Sunday, October 7, 2012

Spring is Here

Spring is the time of year - I took some flower photos up at National Rhododendron garden in Mt. Dandenong, and PS cross-processed them, to give the flower portraits some mood.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Historical Port Arthur - Tasmania

"...To Grind Rogues Into Honest Men"....
It was such the vision for Port Arthur penal settlement, was established in 1830s - a bold experiment and attempt to reform convicts and repeated offenders of the colony of Van Diemen's Land. Port Arthur was much more than just a prison. It was complete community, home to military personnel and free settlers. The 30 historic buildings such as hospital, dockyard, towers, church and museum houses were built by the convicts.

The fascinating Ross Bridge

The famous Ross Bridge at Ross town, has a bit fare of its fascinating and intricate carvings by the magnificent legacy of convict stonemasons, Daniel Herbert and James Colbeck. The bridge was designed by civil engineer and colonial architect John Lee Archer. The bridge was officially opened by then Lt. Governer Arthur on 21 October 1836.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Woolmers Estate - Heritage Highway

The Heritage Highway, Tasmania first main highway, is full of historic buildings and properties such as the Franklin House, Clarendon Homestead and the reknown World Heritage listed properties of Brickendon (neighbouring) and the Woolmers Estate.  Across the river, the Woolmers Estate is a time capsule of early nineteenth century life and home to six generations of the pioneering Archer family. Their collections, farming enterprise, family heirlooms and the social history of the property are for all to enjoy. Also, the heritage has a showpiece of horticultural excellence, the National Rose Garden is not to be missed. The rose garden displaying more than 6000 roses, is one of the finest collections in the Southern Hemisphere.

Bakehouse Cottages, who housed the bakers, supplied breads bread to Thomas family and the workforce of up to 60 people. The larger cottage on the left has a large oven at the rear.

The Store, built around 1826, supplies to Thomas family with a good stock of essential such as tea, salt, sugar, oil and clothing.

National Rose Garden

Diana Princess of Wales - National Rose Garden at Woolmers Estate.

White Rose

Elle Rose.

The Kitchen wing which was originally, a small timber building, William Archer, Thomas' son, upgraded the kitchen to an Italianate style mansion. 

The Main House, built later in 1840s, is the new Italianate front. The design was fashionable in England then and mainly for the newly wealthy Thomas' architect son William. 

This was the original mansion front which is now the rear.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Tamar Valley Wetlands - Tasmania

Tamar Island Wetlands has a variety of water birds, sweeping swallows and green frogs which can be found easily, accessible through a boardwalk.

 Wetlands wild flowers. 

A pair of swallows.

The wetlands centre.
Wetlands green frog.

The Cataract Gorge - Tasmania

The Cataract Gorge Reserve is Launceston the most striking feature, a natural reserve with walking trails and wildlife. Visitors can cross the gorge in a chairlift with the longest single span in the world. 

The Alexandra Bridge - opened by Lady Edeline Strickland.

Scenic river walk.

A unique bushland reserve.

Level 1 white water rafting.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Melbourne Streets Outing

Chinatown at Little Bourke Street

Peeping lane.

Carriage horses are forced to contend with city tram.

 Lonsdale Street.


Indoor Hardrock climbing in Melbourne CBD.

Cafe, Coffee or Chemist?

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Hiking at Mount Cathedral

The Mount Cathedral range is home to one of Melbourne's popular destination for rock climbing and trekking. The mountain area is viewable from Buxton to Alexander Highway. It boasts excellent camping site, heavily forested mountain, wild plants and friendly fauna such as lyrebird. The ground dwelling bird is notable for its mimicry on natural and artificial surrounding sounds. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to see one but their mimicry cry can be heard in the mountain.

The Old and the New.

Pale green lichen that thrives on tree bark.

Bush Flowers.

Wild flowers.

Wild flowers that still blooming up in the mountain.

Can be a little misty on the way up.

More flowers at on the way up the mountain.

Excellent view by the rock edges.

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